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Image 1: Media Room – This media room is situated for media viewing or just relaxing and listing to music or reading a good book. All of the cabinetry is custom and lacquered in a cream satin gloss. The sliding panels cover the book shelves and expose the television or can cover the television and expose the full library. The walls are covered in a thin grass cloth that is woven over a silver paper to give the room a soft shimmer. The carpet used is custom design and is a sculpted wool in a grid pattern in a mink color to give the room contrast.

Image 2: Seating Area – There is a seating area for two in front of windows draped in Missoni fabric in soft gray and silver tones. The custom French chairs are covered in graphite silk velvet and the custom pillows are actually made from a shag carpet remnant.


Image 3: Powder Room – Silver tea paper was used on the walls of the Powder room with a soft cream glaze to tone down the shine. A steel and Carrera marble vanity is the focal point of this room with a back lit mirror.